dissabte, 1 de novembre del 2008

On the Road Again

Encara recordo la impressió que em van fer els Canned Heat la primera vegada que els vaig veure a finals dels 60's. Era a la televisió francesa a un programa que feia al migdia Jacques Martin.

Aquest vídeo no és una de les seves millors actuacions, tenen pinta d'estar com a mínim molt cansats, però veieu com un d'ells s'està fumant un "canuto", llavors no s'era tant políticament correcte ni tant hipòcrita com ara.

I no us perdeu el cantant Bob Hite, una veu inconfundible.

Canned Heat - On The Road Again
Uploaded by DwightFrye

Well, I'm so tired of crying, but I'm out
on the road again.
- I'm on the road again.
Well, I'm so tired of crying, but I'm out
on the road again.
- I'm on the road again.
I ain't got no woman
Just to call my special friend.
You know the first time I traveled out
in the rain and snow,
- In the rain and snow.
You know the first time I traveled out
in the rain and snow,
- In the rain and snow.
I didn't have no payroll,
Not even no place to go.
And my dear mother left me when
I was quite young,
- When I was quite young.
And my dear mother left me when
I was quite young,
- When I was quite young.
She said "Lord, have mercy
On my wicked son."
Take a hint from me, mama, please
don't you cry no more,
- Don't you cry no more.
Take a hint from me, mama, please
don't you cry no more,
- Don't you cry no more.
'Cause it's soon one morning
Down the road I'm going.
But I aint going down that
long old lonesome road
All by myself.
But I aint going down that
long old lonesome road
All by myself.
I can't carry you, Baby,
Gonna carry somebody else.

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