Ha tardat, però el partit socialista s'ha llençat de ple a les xarxes socials, ja sabem el que ens espera d'ara fins el dia de les eleccions. A les darreres eleccions fa dos anys això va ser monopoli pràcticament dels Verds, amb no gaire bon resultat per cert. Per tant els diria que xarxes socials molt bé, però que no exagerin. Qui decideix és el món real, no el virtual. Si a Egipte no hi hagués tant malestar social i misèria Mubarak no hauria caigut per molt Facebook que li haguessin posat. I Andorra és un país molt petit que per sort encara no té res a veure amb Egipte. Ni tampoc amb els USA per si algú pensa en l'exemple de l'elecció d'Obama.
They say that you're a runaround lover
Though you say it isn't so
But if you put me down for another
I'll know, believe me, I'll know
'cause the night has a thousand eyes
And a thousand eyes can't help but see if you are true to me
So remember when you tell those little white lies
That the night has a thousand eyes
You say that you're at home when you phone me
And how much you really care
Though you keep telling me that you're lonely
I'll know if someone is there
'cause the night has a thousand eyes
And a thousand eyes can't help but see if you are true to me
So remember when you tell those little white lies
That the night has a thousand eyes
One of these days you're gonna be sorry
'cause your game I'm gonna play
And you'll find out without really tryin'
Each time that my kisses stray
'cause the night has a thousand eyes
And a thousand eyes will see me too
And no matter what I do
I could never disguise all my little white lies
'cause the night has a thousand eyes
So remember when you tell those little white lies
That the night has a thousand eyes
Though you say it isn't so
But if you put me down for another
I'll know, believe me, I'll know
'cause the night has a thousand eyes
And a thousand eyes can't help but see if you are true to me
So remember when you tell those little white lies
That the night has a thousand eyes
You say that you're at home when you phone me
And how much you really care
Though you keep telling me that you're lonely
I'll know if someone is there
'cause the night has a thousand eyes
And a thousand eyes can't help but see if you are true to me
So remember when you tell those little white lies
That the night has a thousand eyes
One of these days you're gonna be sorry
'cause your game I'm gonna play
And you'll find out without really tryin'
Each time that my kisses stray
'cause the night has a thousand eyes
And a thousand eyes will see me too
And no matter what I do
I could never disguise all my little white lies
'cause the night has a thousand eyes
So remember when you tell those little white lies
That the night has a thousand eyes
I per contestar la pregunta del començament, trobo que no s'assemblen en res.
A part que la cançó parla de mentides, i en sentirem moltes durant la campanya electoral.
El que passa és que m'han suggerit fer un escrit sobre la situació política a Andorra a partir d'aquest vídeo. I no se m'acut res.
Però, i vosaltres? Us tornoreu a presentar o no?. ¡No us rendiu!
ResponEliminaQuant ens retrovem al Cyber a pendre café ja parlarem de la situació.
Els que s´emportin les eleccions, o sigui, la responsabilitat de dirigir cap endavant el PAÍS, ho tindràn molt negre.
Ni programes, ni pactes, ni elucubracions. Manca seriositat, honor i estima per TOTA la gent que vivim al PAÍS.
He votat i perdut - i m'agrada la cançó, he posat al Feisbuc abans o après:)? We want more.