dissabte, 18 de desembre del 2010

El Bob Dylan que m'agrada (Dedicat a Noctas)

Nobody feels any pain
Tonight as I stand inside the rain
Ev'rybody knows
That Baby's got new clothes
But lately I see her ribbons and her bows
Have fallen from her curls.
She takes just like a woman, yes, she does
She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does
And she aches just like a woman
But she breaks just like a little girl.

Queen Mary, she's my friend
Yes, I believe I'll go see her again
Nobody has to guess
that Baby can't be blessed
Till she finally sees that she's like all the rest
With her fog, her amphetamine and her pearls.
She takes just like a woman, yes
She makes love just like a woman, yes, she does
And she aches just like a woman
But she breaks just like a little girl.

It was raining from the first
And I was dying of thirst
So I came in here
And your long-time curse hurts
But what's worse
Is this pain in here
I can't stay in here
Ain't it clear that?
I just can't fit
Yes, I believe it's time for us to quit
When we meet again
Introduced as friends
Please don't let on that you knew me when
I was hungry and it was your world.
Ah, you fake just like a woman, yes, you do
You make love just like a woman, yes, you do
Then you ache just like a woman
But you break just like a little girl

7 comentaris:

  1. Ostima Gràcies Salvador, és una cançó que m'encanta, sobretot el tros de l'harmònica. Avui que faig guardia a la feina i que com ja veus estic treballant:) em fa una especial il.lusió. El post del Dylan el vaig treure pel seu mal gust, no m'agradava gens! saludus crack...

  2. The answer, Merike, is blowin' in the wind.

  3. Sí, Salvador;) Ah, those were the days.

  4. Merike., és una cançó que ningú l'ha cantada amb aquesta suavitat i bellesa. cap de les versions que se n'ha fet supera aquesta original, tan senzilla i tan bonica a la vegada., és com un himne que reivindica però a la vegada et convida a quedar-te a casa sense fer gaires revolucions....

  5. Blowin' in the Wind és l'himne, la insuperable cançó protesta repetida i versionada milions de vegades.

    Però Just Like a Woman ens mostra un Bob Dylan humà, molt probablement ressentit amb una dona, es va parlar de Joan Baez. I va tenir el mèrit de posar furioses moltes feministes, cosa sempre d'agrair (ai ai ai que me la carrego) ;-)

  6. :) ben observat crack!
